Hello there
Hailing from Salt Lake City, UT, Laurel Myler has been writing since the fifth grade when her mom bought her a fancy notebook and she swore to only fill it up with "good stuff."
In 2018, Laurel graduated from the University of Leeds with a Master's degree in Writing for Performance and Publication. She also studied at the University of Utah, where she graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Latin with a minor in Creative Writing, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
Her first novel, City Ash and Desert Bones, was written during her undergraduate studies in the nation's first Novel Workshop course, and published with Dog Star Books in September of 2016.
Laurel is a playwright, producer, and director with Anthem Theatre Company, which she founded with high school theater-mate Caitlin Laurie Bell. The Company has produced two of Laurel's original works along with George Brant's Elephant's Graveyard. Laurel's work has also been performed at Westminster College and stage@leeds, and with Wasatch Theatre Company, the international Gi60 Festival, and Three Ring Theater.
Currently, Laurel works as a lead story producer and development writer for Monument Major Originals, where she helps tell stories on The Piece Maker, Hello Sunday, and Artful.
She loves to travel and suffers from painful wanderlust. Her favorite foods include sushi and cold cereal.